LIHTC relief offers shelter from the storms

In light of the three major hurricanes and other natural disasters that have occurred in the U.S. this year, I am happy to write about a piece of good news in the form of Revenue Procedure 2014-49, which provides temporary relief for LIHTC owners from certain...

Conference explores challenges facing LIHTC

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) professionals gathered from across the country in mid-June at the National Council of State Housing Agency’s Housing Credit Connect conference in Atlanta to review the state of our nation’s housing, learn about current issues and...

Recent LIHTC questions from eHotline

Hi folks! I thought I would share a few recent questions pertaining to LIHTC that we received through eHotline – our free technical assistance service for those with active NCHM certification. Q:  Our LIHTC property has two buildings and on question 8b under Part 2 of...

Proposed changes go beyond LIHTC’s name

Have you heard the latest? Two pieces of legislation were recently introduced that, among other things, would change the name of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit program. But other changes proposed by the...

Taking steps to comply with VAWA

In December 2016, we published an article about HUD’s Final Rule implementing the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013. Since then we have had hundreds of students take our VAWA webinar and start the steps toward compliance with the new...

Plenty of buzz at 2017 HFA Institute

In what has become an annual ritual for many of us in the affordable housing industry, I joined state housing finance agency staff, consultants, investors, and other stakeholders in Washington, DC last month for the National Council of State Housing Agencies’ HFA...